5 Common Household Products that are Toxic to Your Health

 Lots of products we use every day in our homes are actually toxic to humans. Yep, you read that right. Things like laundry detergent, face and body washes, air fresheners, dishwasher soap, lotion, and an array of cleaning products have been found to cause cancer, kidney and liver damage, and even interruption of hormones. As someone with a chronic illness, I have found that not only do foods impact disease, cleaning, and personal care products do too. After learning that so many of our common name-brand American household products contain chemicals toxic to humans, I started switching out these chemical-filled products for natural cleaners and personal care products. Like so many Americans, you may not know you have so many toxic products in your household. Let’s take a look at the top 5 products you probably use, and what harm they may be causing you.  

  1. Laundry Detergent/Soap– Most commercial and scented laundry detergents contain 1 & 4 dioxanes. This chemical has been found to cause eye, nose, and throat irritation in short term. In the long-term 1 & 4 dioxanes can cause liver and kidney damage. In addition, the CDC has confirmed it is a carcinogen and potentially be hazardous to the brain, nervous, and respiratory systems. They also contain nonylphenol ethoxylate or NPE. This particular chemical has been found to mimic estrogen and disrupt the endocrine system. Your body can not tell the difference between NPE and estrogen. This disrupts hormones and was even shown to start changing fish genders to be part female and part male. Another big chemical in commercial laundry soap is sodium lauryl sulfate. This chemical has been linked to cancer, neuro and organ toxicity, as well as skin irritation and endocrine disruption. In addition to these chemicals, most laundry soaps and detergents also contain; anionic surfactants, petroleum distillates, phenols, optical brighteners, sodium hypochlorite bleach, and Ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetate.

2. Dryer Sheets– Next up are dryer sheets. Also known as fabric softener sheets, these are made of polyester fabric coated in the softener and artificial scents. They also contain dipalmethyl hydroxyethyl ammonium methosulfate. This chemical is known as a human toxin and has been shown to cause reproductive problems in mice. It also is extremely similar to a compound known as a human allergy. As such, it may cause an immunotoxicity response. In addition, a study published in Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health found more than 25 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from dryer vents. These VOCs can be harmful by themselves or when mixed with other gases in the air. These VOCs in particular have been linked to cancer, asthma, and other respiratory illnesses.    

3. Plastic Water Bottles- While we all know that plastic water bottles are bad for the environment, you may not know that they are bad for your health. Although many companies have moved away from BPA plastics, some do still use them. BPA’s have been found to cause cancer, reproductive issues, and a higher risk of disease. Even if your bottled water is BPA free it’s composed of polyethylene and ethylene that when exposed to heat start to break down, thus leaching into the water for consumption. These chemicals accumulate in your bloodstream over time increasing your risk of cancer and kidney and liver damage. And just in case you needed more incentive, most bottled water isn’t even filtered. Many big-name brands including Aquafina state on the label that their water sources come from ‘public sources’. These public sources often rank lower than tap water does.   

4. Deodorant- Skin is our largest organ and often absorbs directly to the bloodstream without being metabolized like food. Your underarm skin also has many fat cells that absorb and store these harmful chemicals. You also have hormone receptors in your armpits and the chemicals in deodorant are known endocrine disruptors. Almost all commercial deodorants contain parabens. Parabens are known to interfere with the way your body produces hormones including estrogen. Aluminum is an additive in deodorant that causes gene instability in breast tissue thought to lead to breast cancer. While there is still more research needed on aluminum and cancer, according to Time over 50% of breast cancer cases start in the upper quadrant of the breast closest to the armpit.  

5. Disposable Cleaning Wipes (Clorox, Lysol, etc.)- Disinfecting wipes are convenient and sold almost everywhere. This common clean-up option, however, contains an array of harmful chemicals known as quaternary ammonium compounds, or ‘quats’. These sanitizers cause skin irritation, asthma, and reproductive harm. Overuse of quats can lead to ‘superbugs’, or bacteria that have become resistant to antibacterials. These wipes also contain chlorine and phenol. Both cause skin irritation, breathing problems, and eye irritants. Long-term exposure to chlorine can cause heart disease and asthma. Exposure to phenol can cause cancer, blood and liver problems, vertigo, and diarrhea.

Now that you know the dangers of everyday household products, I encourage you to do your own research to find products that are safer for your home. There is an ever-growing market of eco, green, and chemical-free products coming available in the places you already shop. Keep an eye out for them, and always read the label! Remember that these chemicals already affect ‘healthy’ individuals. If you have a chronic illness like me, you may be even more sensitive to these toxins. I challenge you to replace these 5 common products for even just one month and see for yourself the difference. 

Want to check out my sources? Click HERE for laundry detergent, HERE for dryer sheets, HERE for water bottles, HERE for deodorant, and HERE for disinfectant wipes.

Note: * This is NOT an affiliate post. I do not receive anything for promoting or recommending things. *Â