Working out can be challenging for those living with IBD, especially when experiencing symptoms. If you’re in pain, you typically don’t feel like moving. Another factor that can play a big role in keeping active is chronic fatigue. Even when symptoms have subsided this is a valid complaint that can not only affect your decision to workout, but just about every area of your life.Â
However, keeping the body moving can be beneficial not only for heart health but gut health as well by reducing overall inflammation. Check out what John Hopkins University has to say about the benefits of exercise here:
You don’t have to push yourself to do something strenuous. This can be easily achieved by walking, doing yoga or Pilates, practicing tai chi, circuit training, biking, and just about anything in between. Once you find something you enjoy, working out will no longer be a chore, but something you will actually look forward to doing! Â
Now this is quite honestly a hard topic for me, as over the years I have chosen more times than not, to not workout. Through trial and error, I have found that different exercises affect me differently and it is imperative that you listen to your body before, during, and after a workout. For instance, running seems to worsen my symptoms and abdominal pain, but walking doesn’t. Try a few different exercises and find what works for you! Â
Shoot for just 15 minutes a day. This is enough time to get you moving and your heart rate up, without putting too much stress on your body. If you’re particularly tired or not feeling well, maybe try out 15 minutes of Tai Chi. Nice day? Take a quick stroll around the neighborhood and be present to nature in whatever form it takes. Both of these activities will lift your spirits, and your immune system. Through staying active I found I have more energy, my joints don’t hurt as much, I sleep better, and it has certainly helped me gain back strength from my hospitalization last year.  Â
I know more than anybody that keeping moving with IBD can be a daunting and seemingly impossible task, but if you start to make small strides toward achieving an active lifestyle it can make all the difference in the world. Some of my favorite ways to keep moving are tai chi, yoga, and walking. The key for me, and many patients with IBD, is to partake in less strenuous exercises, and for briefer periods of time especially when starting out. Keeping active is a stepping stone to better health, and the sooner you start, the sooner you will reap the benefits. Don’t believe me? Just take a look below at my 2015 pictures vs. my 2018 and 2019 pictures!Â