Bathroom Card from

Chances are you have had to wait in a line to use a bathroom before. Whether at a theme park, concert, or football game we are all familiar with this concept. Inconvenient? Perhaps, but not anything near an emergency. Living with Chron’s and Colitis can paint the picture above very differently. In the same scenario, but in the shoes of someone living with Chron’s or Colitis experiencing active disease, this would evoke anxiety, fear of others judgments, embarrassment, and humiliation for starters. 

Being in a situation where you have to use the bathroom and cannot wait, standing in line is not much of an option. The good news is that Crohn’ has seen this as an area of need, and has a medical card you can request for FREE! This card states you have Crohn’s or Colitis, and that it is a serious condition of the gut which makes it hard to wait to use the restroom. It thanks them for their patience and understanding in letting you use the restroom immediately. 

Order your card HERE!

I have been lucky enough to never have to pull the card out to use, but I have found great comfort in having it with me, especially when I’m not doing well, knowing I could use it if needed. I don’t always come across so eloquent, especially in an emergency… This card provides enough information for them to help you, and says it in such a way that you’re not searching for words or trying to explain your disease in an overly personal way. 

My husband and I walked around and enjoyed a local beer and cider festival on a beautiful day in August soaking up all it had to offer. Before too long, we had to take a break and get in line for the port a potty. Now if you’re anything like me it’s not your favorite palace to use the bathroom to say the least, but it’s a better alternative than waiting. And this festival was packed, so expectedly the lines for the port a potty were very long.

As we stood in line a man practically carrying his girlfriend came up upon the line with great dismay in his eyes. She was clearly sick. Now maybe she was having morning sickness early on in a pregnancy, maybe she was having an allergic reaction, or maybe just had too much to drink, but she clearly didn’t look well. 

The man started going to the beginning of each line and asking if she could cut in front of them as she was ill. To my shock and slight horror as he started going down the lines a furry of no’s! and no way buddy! were thrown his way. I couldn’t believe that people were so inconsiderate! He reached the point where it was us, he was asking, and without hesitation we let them cut in front of us. We explained that I have UC and totally understand that finding or waiting for a bathroom in an emergency like that can make everything so much worse. She made it to the bathroom, and I took away a sense of shame in my fellow man. 

If you take anything away from this post let it be this: be kind and be understanding. You never know what someone is going through, and when a fellow man asks for a simple favor like cutting in line for an emergency, they should be given the request without question. If you find yourself in a similar situation to the man above, be sure to show the bathroom card (solidifying the validity of the disease and request). Also be firm, assertive, but kind as you advocate for your needs in times of crisis. 

Note: * This is NOT an affiliate post. I do not receive anything for promoting or recommending this book. *