FDA to Add New Warnings to Popular JAK Inhibitor Xeljanz


The FDA has just finished its comprehensive review of the popular JAK inhibitor Xeljanz, with some new warnings and safety precautions. The JAK inhibitor has been previously approved for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and polyarticular course juvenile idiopathic arthritis. This new data collected shows increased risk for adverse cardiovascular events, blood clots, … Read more

Tofacitinib (Xeljanz) May Lower Risk of Colectomy in Severe UC

A recent study has found that using Tofacitinib in addition to traditional IV corticosteroids could help greatly reduce risk of colectomy in hospitalized patients with severe UC. This comes as welcome news, as currently 30% of hospitalized patients with severe UC will not respond to corticosteroids, often making a colectomy the only option. If the … Read more

Xeljanz Shown Effective for Long-Term UC Treatment

Xeljanz (tofacitinib) is the first FDA approved biologic pill. Other current biologics require intravenous infusion or injection, so the convenience of a pill could be life changing to treat those with moderate to severe UC. This medication first was approved in 2019, and has been under close watch by health care professionals and the IBD … Read more