Warrior Wednesday Feature: Paige

Let’s welcome this weeks warrior, Paige!


Hello! My name is Paige and I am originally from New England but I have been living in Tennessee for the last 3 years.

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in December 2017 at the age of 20 after experiencing symptoms for over 2 years. These symptoms included extreme pain, 10-20 bowel movements per day and rapid weight loss. I was in college at the time and it was extremely difficult to maintain school work, activities, work, and social life! I tried every medication on the market that was available to me, and clinically failed all of them. In November 2020 I had my entire colon removed and now have an ileostomy. I recently had a routine scope of my small intestine where it was discovered that I have active Crohn’s disease. So, as of December 2021, I am officially a Crohny!

I started having symptoms of IBD at the age of 18, which is just the beginning of freedom and young adulthood. It was exceptionally hard learning how to deal with the comments that come with being young and sick at the same time. Having these comments thrown my way has allowed me to view the world with a non-judgmental lens. I always say my IBD diagnosis has changed me for the better. I am a better friend, family member, and stranger because of this disease.

The one thing I wish I could go back and say to my younger self is “you will be OK”. Because it’s true. Getting a diagnosis, losing a colon, having an ostomy bag, are all things that I have dealt with, but they are not defining characteristics of who I am. It is crucial to have a life beyond your illness! 

For fun – Within the last year I have found a deep passion for working out and moving my body! Lifting weights is such an empowering activity – and I get to do it all with my ostomy bag! I have learned that having a bag in no way shape or form slows down life. I am only 24, and I intend to live like one even with an ostomy!!


Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring story Paige! Be sure to give her a follow in IG @theostomypaige