The Perfect ‘Spaghetti’ and Savory Meatballs

This is a foolproof weeknight meal that goes great with just about any sauce! In the summer months, I love having this dish with a light basil pesto. In winter months, I really enjoy it with a homemade hearty tomato sauce. Feel free to substitute the squash with zucchini or carrot ‘noodles’. This recipe is quite versatile and great to keep in your cooking arsenal!

Not sure how to break down squash? The best (and safest) way to break down just about any squash, is to start by using a sharp chef’s knife. First cut off the top and bottom. Just cut enough to take off the hard part on top and even out the bottom. Now stand the squash up so it sits on one of the flat sides you cut. Now take your knife and cut down the middle. Once it is cut open, grab a big spoon and scoop out the seeds and innards. Scoop enough to get the insides, but don’t scrape so hard you take the squash meat with you. Discard the ‘guts’ and bake at 425°F for 15-20 minutes or until tender when pierced with a fork. That’s it! Not so daunting after all. 

The Perfect ‘Spaghetti’ and Savory Meatballs 

Serves 4
Prep: 20 min
Cooking: 40 min 
Total: 1 hour


2 Ea. spaghetti squash, halved and seeds scooped out

1 Lb. Grass fed and grass finished ground beef 

2 Shallots, finely diced

2 Cloves of garlic, peeled and minced 

1 Egg, free range and humanely raised 

1 Bunch of parsley, finely chopped 

1 Tbsp. Coconut aminos 

2 Tbsp. olive oil

Salt, TT

Black pepper, TT  

      Method Of Prep:

  1. Preheat the oven to 425°F.
  2. Breakdown and clean out squash.
  3. Set on a sheet tray inside facing up.
  4. Coat with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
  5. Grab a medium mixing bowl and add ground beef, shallots, garlic, egg, parsley, coconut aminos, salt and black pepper.
  6. Mix until well combined.
  7. Your oven should be preheated now. Add your squash to the oven and set a 10-minute timer.
  8. Now form meat mixture into small 1-inch balls. You should get 18-20 each.
  9. Space the balls ½ inch apart on a sheet tray.
  10. Wait for your timer to go off. Then add meatballs to the oven and set a 20-minute timer.
  11. Bake until the internal temperature of meatballs reaches 165°F, and the spaghetti squash is easy to flake with a fork.


Nutrition Facts:
Calories- 245 
Carbs- 12.1 g
Protein- 27.9 g
Fat- 10.2 g